Welcome to St. Michael and All Angels' Church, Headingley

St Michael and All Angels’ Church,

Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3AW

Parish Office - 0113 275 4053





17. Diary of a church dog

Diary of a church Dog. 17

Happy New Year to all my friends, somewhat belated I know but heartfelt none the less. I have been pondering New Year and the tradition of resolutions. There is a house I pass, whilst walking my mumma, which has a garland across one wall proclaiming “New Year New Me” and I got to thinking about the resolutions we make (and oft time break).  I personally have resolved to keep singing, keep loving and keep being loved. I am a dog of simple pleasures! Mumma on the other hand has gone into overdrive both at home and at church sorting, clearing and tidying. The parish office, children’s corner and book shelves have already felt the full weight of her gusto.

I also found myself thinking about the church itself and how it is looked after and kept up to. I know mumma is on a mission to get the floor tiles sparling like a palace floor in a Disney film! A number of other people are busy organising everything from APCM’s to tea and coffee rotas. Thankfully the building work of the West End development is, for now, finished and St Michaels is settling into a period of normality. After the decorations and fripperies of Christmas we now move into the normal season and begin our preparations for the new year.

People will offer their help where they can and the stewardship of time and talents is always most gratefully received. We continue to need support in all our endeavours. One area where St Michaels benefits from generosity, is in the money that people give for flowers. Every week, excepting Lent and Advent, there is a pedestal display at the front of church and often one at the rear too. Many people give money towards their cost in memory of a loved one’s birthday or anniversary. At this time of year after the expenses of Christmas the fund for the purchase of flowers can be a little depleted. The flowers of course are still there every week thanks to the time and talents of the flower ladies. So, if you have a date that you wish to be commemorated with a beautiful display, donations can be given in church or paid directly into the flower fund. Sort code 20-48-95 account number 20920282

May your resolutions resolve themselves and may your days be full of flowers. Much love TJ.


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